Guiding Principles
A summary by Guru Kinkar Vishwashreyananda
"Typically, people will say democracy came a long time ago and you must move on…
But that’s a limited view. The political systems don’t change the gene pool. One has to pursue something that’s aligned to one’s birth. Something that’s innate. It’s not about whether he or she is a Prince or Princess, it’s about whether he or she is seen to possess the Virtues of Royalty and if they are manifest and evident.
When the cultural modes, the ground of operation and social reality changes, the spirit remains and that must be practiced. Here are the five basic operating principles for the life of Royalty in general and the Kathiwada Dynasty in particular to abide by as personal ethics. If one can find a vocation that allows these principles to thrive, that’s a beautiful reconciliation."​
Not to play role in subordination
Putting honour before reward
Pursuing grandness
Offering protection and patronage to traditions both spiritual and cultural
Constantly keeping in touch with the clan and the physical environment

Guruji Shri Kinkar Vishwashreyananda
Guru RAJ SUPE (aka Kinkar Vishwashreyananda) is our spiritual leader and guide. He has made a profound impact to how we think and operate. His clarity of thought, calmness of mind and devoted spiritual life is an inspiration for all.
In other times he is a poet, storyteller and novelist. An MBA, he has had a career in advertising, research and creative consulting, before turning to literary and spiritual pursuits. Some of his literary works include the spiritual memoir, Pilgrim of the Sky; the anthology Hundreds of Shells; and translations such as Cloudburst of A Thousand Suns, and the Sahitya Akademi awarded Rainbow at Noon.
His writings convey the passionate intensity of a seeker and the sincerity of one who hopes for an ideal mix of traditional mythic imagery and the urgencies of modern life. In the words of a leading poet, ‘he has the anonymity of the saint-poet on the one hand and the self-expression of the modern writer on the other’. Guruji is Editor of the spirituality e-magazine, The Mother [www.themotherdivine.com], as well as the co-founder of Foundation for Contemplation of Nature [www.foundnature.com].
Guruji was initiated into the Order founded by Sri Sitaramdas Omkarnath and met his Guru in the person of Kinkar Vitthal Ramanuja. He now leads a simple life on the banks of the Ganges.